Saturday, August 20, 2011

Don't Be BLUE!!! Yes! blue!
A couple of "Blue" (not blues) songs to practice for the next Cleveland Jumping Flea get together on Tuesday, August 30th.

Page 36

Page 37

Page 38

Also, think about what song you want to suggest out of "Das Book" for everyone to play.

See ya on the 30th at 7:30 SHARP!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hellllooooooooo Cleveland!!!!

Cleveland Jumping Flea is going to perform LIVE!

Uke'n at Musicians Towers
Thursday August 25th!

These are the songs we will be playing, so these are the songs you'll want to practice!

Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue - pg.82

Beautiful Brown Eyes - 34

By the Light of the Silvery Moon - 43

SOLO - Harvey

Ain't We Got Fun - 17

Clementine - 51

These Boots Are Made for Walking - 232

SOLO - Jeff

King of the Road - 143

Que Sera, Sera - 194

You Are My Sunshine - 279

SOLO - Amy & Melissa

Good Night Irene - 94


Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - 327
She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountains - 209

Please arrive at Musicians Tower at least 10 minutes early. I'll meet you in the lobby to point the way to the room we'll be using. And they did invite us to stay for snacks afterward!

Monday, August 8, 2011